2020-06-12 1213
The working principle of a large electric fan is to slowly roll the airflow driven by its blades, continuously generating three-dimensional circulating wind. The flow of the wind accelerates the evapo
2020-05-25 1009
The power consumption of Jiangmen ceiling fans is related to the power of industrial fans themselves. The power of industrial fans varies, so the power consumption also varies. It's not difficult
2020-04-21 1424
At the beginning of the production of Jiangmen ceiling fans, after chemical milling and rolling leveling, occasional severe bulging and warping deformation may occur in the chemical milling area. Afte
2020-03-16 1311
Many industrial equipment operators require the use of lubricating oil because lubricating oil plays a significant role in lubrication, allowing the equipment to function properly. Do devices like hig
2020-03-02 1306
Note 1: Properly disassemble the parts according to the requirements of the fan circuit diagramIt is necessary to handle the Jiangmen ceiling fan sold directly by the manufacturer with caution and car
2020-02-18 1264
Jiangmen ceiling fan is a common industrial equipment widely used in large spaces such as industrial factories, logistics and warehousing, supermarkets, sports venues, etc. It is used for space ventil
2020-01-16 1107
In specific situations such as large production enterprises, labor-intensive enterprises, and animal husbandry, heat-resistant and wear-resistant moisture-proof industrial fans are often needed. The e
2019-12-27 1250
The demand for Jiangmen ceiling fans is always in short supply in poorly ventilated warehouses or large public areas. The most unique advantage of Jiangmen ceiling fans compared to traditional ones is
2019-12-20 1267
1. Pay attention to coverage areaThe high power of newly launched large electric fans also indicates that their speed is fast, so the air volume is large. In theory, they are indeed proportional to ea
2019-12-13 1111
The Jiangmen ceiling fan has a large leaf coverage area, which can effectively promote air movement and drive large air volume, continuously circulate air and achieve the effect of regulating spatial